Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Monday, November 07, 2005
Botanic gardens

Gerald recently started stumbling around with his hippo walker so we decided to bring him to the Botanic Gardens for more space to exercise.

So his first official trip was taken on Friday (4th Nov). Here is a picture of Gerald and mummy. He doesn't usually appear in the same photo as mummy as mummy is usually the one holding the camera.

He is a bit grumpy in this photo. Actually he is grumpy in most photos nowadays as he is at the age when is it difficult to get him to smile into the camera. The usual expression is "Why are you pointing this thing at me?" or "Why you dun let me play with this thing?"

The trip to the Botanic Gardens was also Gerald's first time coming into contact with grass. I mean, he has seen it, but he hasn't actually touched it before. From the looks of it, he did not enjoy it very much. He basically poked at it a bit and then complained when we left him sitting on the grass. He seems to find it a bit scratchy to crawl in.

Mummy, help me!!! I dun like this green, pokey thing.

Somebody get me off the grass!!!

He definitely enjoyed walking on the concrete paths a lot better. A true blue city boy. Born and bred in a concrete jungle. I made a mental note to help him get in touch with nature more often.

Gerald actually managed to walk through most of the gardens with his walker. From the visitor centre all the way past the symphony lake to almost the front of the gardens. We stopped at the granite ball cos mummy and daddy was tired.

Here's Gerald happily walking on the road.

With mummy keeping an eye on Gerald, he needn't be afriad of falling at all.

The walk ended at the huge
granite ball.

Gerald actually walked so much that he walked a hole in his shoe!!!!

After the walk, we actually went down to Centrepoint and bought him a sturdier pair of shoes. but that's another story altogether.

Watch this space for it!!!!


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