Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
More words

Since the time when we posted Gerald's first words, he has learnt to say a few more. He can now say:
  1. sit
  2. happy
  3. clock
  4. sock
  5. shoe
  6. apple (pronounced "appu")
  7. bubble

He is also getting good at imitation. He can say either "A", "B" or "C" when I tell him ABC; but not all 3 letters together.

He can imitate snoring too. And coughing. He also knows how to pretend to cough and sneeze.

He also likes to sing the "cockroach song" by Jocie Guo Mei Mei... just the chorus bit that goes:

Whenever Gerald hears this song, he will be going "o-o" and "ha-ha" over and over, non-stop. Isn't he cute?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Gerald finally found the courage to dip his hands into the paint today at GUG. He was supposed to mix yellow paint and blue paint to make green paint. He dipped his finger into the yellow paint out of curiosity and mummy helped him mix the 2 blobs of paint with his palm. Haha.... he tolerated the squishy feeling for a while before starting to cry. The bad thing is that we had to queue up to wash his hands as the children had green paint everywhere.

It's a good start to his art career. Prior to this, he has clung on to mummy like a koala everytime during art sessions. Hee hee.

Saturday, February 11, 2006
Making a call

Gerald is learning how to make calls on the phone. He will press some buttons, pick up the handset, press it to the side of his face (usually missing his ear) and say "har-woo". He keeps repeating this over and over until we carry him away from the phone. So cute.

Sunday, February 05, 2006
First words

Gerald has started babbling recently. He can say quite a few words and identify certain things. When he sees something that he can name, he will be very excited. His vocabulary:
  1. Car (pronounced 'kaa')
  2. Bus (pronounced 'baa')
  3. Ball
  4. Dog
  5. Fish (pronounced '-ish')
  6. Taxi (sounds like it but still a bit dubious to me)
  7. Gong-gong
  8. Po-po
  9. Ba-ba (if he feels like it)
  10. Ma-ma (this sounds like a complain rather than calling mummy though)
  11. Hello (he says 'ah-woo' when he sees a telephone)
  12. Eat
  13. Walk

Hope he learns more words soon so he can tell us what he wants. =)

lEt ME teLl yOu A stORy

A story about a little boy called Gerald.
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