Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Friday, November 18, 2005

Here is the flaxseed that Auntie Heryanti gave mummy to feed me. It contains fiber, lignans and Omega-3 fats. It's supposed to be good for brain development.

According to what mummy has found on the web: "Flaxseed is very high in omega-3 essential fatty acids. It's the omega 3s -- "good" fats -- that researchers are looking at in terms of their possible effects on lowering cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, lowering the risk of breast, prostate, and colon cancers, and reducing the inflammation of arthritis, as well as the inflammation that accompanies certain illnesses such as Parkinson's disease and asthma.

In addition to the omega-3s, the remaining two components of flaxseed -- lignans and fiber -- are being studied for their health benefits as well. Lignans, for example, act as both phytoestrogens and antioxidants, while the fiber contained in the flaxseed is of both the soluble and insoluble type."

Mummy has ground the flaxseed into powder to add to my cereal and porridge. Actually, she just hopes that the flaxseed with increase my brian power.

It all part of her grand plan to turn me into a President Scholar.


Anonymous Anonymous had this to say:

i certainly hope the flaxseeds work!Gerald, tell you mummy to do more research on the flaxseed and tell me ok! then the next time i buy them for thahreena i will buy a packet for you too. hehe


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