Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Camping again

Daddy is in reservist again and I have to go and stay in popo's house for the week. I think mummy and daddy will definitely miss my active presence.

Sunday, March 26, 2006
Tree Top Walk

On Friday, mummy rushed home from work to spend time with the family and Daddy decided to take us to the Tree Top Walk for some exercise. I was very excited as it was my first time there.

Daddy brought us to the Venus Drive entrance as it was supposed to be the shorter way in. Before we reached the tree top walk, we had to trek about 2.4km into the "jungle". But it sure felt longer than 2.4km... we walked and walked for almost 40 minutes before we reached the ranger's station. Of course, as the king of the family, I was carried in turns by mummy, daddy and Imah.

Look at me being carried through the jungle:

There were lots and lots of trees around. We even saw monkeys! Mummy said I am a naughty monkey too as I was born in the year of the monkey.

After walking like forever, during which I walked less than 100 m, we finally reached the tree top walk.

The walk is actually a long bridge suspended above the tree tops.

I actually did some walking on the walk.

After the walk, look at all the steps we have to climb to get out of the place. Overall, it was a fun outing cos I was the only one who wasn't tired and sweating after the trek. Hehehe...

Saturday, March 25, 2006
My videos

Mummy's friend, Aunty Shirley (Antanas' mummy), has shown her how to upload my videos onto this blog. They are now available on the right.

However mummy only has some old videos taken when I was quite young. And the videos are the silent movie type as mummy took them with her old digital camera which cannot capture sound and has a maximum screen time of 15 secs.

I'll be acting in my own block-busting motion picture soon so stay tuned!

First Bad Fall

I had my first bad fall this week. I think it was on Tuesday, when mummy has already gone to work in the morning. Daddy was having a shower and Imah was in the kitchen getting me a drink. I was pushing my toy car on the floor when I somehow slipped and fell and knocked my mouth (nobody saw this happen). I cut my lips on my teeth and was bleeding... sob sob. So I ended up with sexy, swollen lips and a painful ulcer for the rest of the week.

This is me doing my most sexy Angelina Jolie impersonation.

Me and the offending car.

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Cranky Day

Gerald was super cranky today. Nothing that we did could pacify him. He screamed and whined and kicked and threw his toys. He wanted to be carried and read to all the time and refused to take his naps. Hope he'll learn to talk soon so that he will be able to tell us what he wants.

Take a look at his weepy photos:

Gerald has been confined to his high chair cos he was very naughty.

I have just been scolded by mummy so I'm sobbing with all my might now.

Taking a peek to see if anyone will come and console me.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

According to mummy, pointing and identifying object is a skill. And I surprised her with my new skill just the other night.

Mummy was reading a picture book to me when I suddenly pointed at a picture of a duck and said, "duck!" Mummy was so proud of me so I decided to display my skill again. When mummy flipped the page, I pointed to a car and said, "car!"

So now I can officially 'read'. I can identify many objects now and I will say their names when I see their pictures. These include baby, car, boat, apple, spider, clock and many others.

Friday, March 03, 2006
First trip to the beach

We brought Gerald to the beach for the very first time today. Unfortunately, he didn't like it at all. He is a very clean boy and he couldn't stand the feeling of gritty sand underneath his feet or butt. He ended up crying and trying to climb on somebody for the whole time we were at the beach.

The sand is so dirty and prickly... I don't like this place!!!

Is there a way to get off this beach? I don't want to touch the sand.

I think I'll just sit on Daddy and try to avoid the sand. The sand castles look interesting though...

Maybe if I try real hard, I can play with my cup without touching any sand.

lEt ME teLl yOu A stORy

A story about a little boy called Gerald.
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